Consumer Fraud & Arbitrations

Large corporations hold enormous power in the country and often use it to take advantage of everyday Americans. From illegally auto-renewing contracts to adding hidden charges to invading privacy rights, corporations are betting that people will simply accept “small” amounts of fraud in their lives and won’t fight back. That’s where they are wrong. We are one of the few “high powered” firms that will take individual cases involving smaller amounts of money, especially where a corporation has required its customers to arbitrate their claims (instead of allowing them to bring suit in court). Why do we do this? First, we think that forced arbitration clauses are anti-American. Our Constitution is intended to guarantee people the right to a jury trial, even in civil cases. However, the Supreme Court has eroded our rights over the years. Rather than walk away from a fight, we have decided to lean in. If a company has stolen some of your money and insists on arbitrating the dispute, we will meet them on their battlefield. What we have learned is that companies that include forced arbitration clauses are secretly hoping you get too intimidated and don’t pursue your claims. Because, as many corporations are now realizing, arbitrations are very expensive for them and tend not to work out the way they had hoped. So, even if you think your claim is too small for a lawyer to be interested, contact us: we might be able to help.

Consumer Fraud Cases We Handle

Consumer Fraud & Arbitrations

Automatic Service Renewal

Praesent nec magna ac pede. Mauris suscipit mauris. Nam quis erat id tortor. Phasellus at nibh felis
Consumer Fraud & Arbitrations

Spam Texts and Calls

Pellentesque felis. Nullam consequat magna urna ante, elementum quis, luctus et gravida sagittis
Consumer Fraud & Arbitrations

Hidden Charges

Quisque nulla. Morbi congue sit amet elit. Mauris at sem. Integer lacinia eget, nonummy lacinia ut, lobortis cursus vitae
Consumer Fraud & Arbitrations

False Advertising

Egestas volutpat. Nam sed wisi quis nibh consectetuer elit. Nam ipsum. Nam eget sapien. Donec aliquet molestie eget

Free Case Review

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We Want
To Work
With You.

Finding the right law firm to represent you can be difficult. Proper legal representation is the difference between receiving significant compensation or nothing at all.

FLAG Law and its partner firms have spent their professional lives fighting for the everyday people across the country.