About Us

We Are FLAG Law

Founder’s Litigation and Arbitration Group, or “FLAG” for short, focus on plaintiff’s litigation, ranging from personal injury cases, to consumer disputes with large companies, to providing advice and help to class members deciding if they want to participate in a specific class action settlement or pursue their own path. Based in Arizona, we have a network of co- and referral counsel located throughout the country. Our partner firms are some of the best plaintiff’s firms in the country and help us provide world-class representation, regardless of where you live.

Collectively with our partner firms, we have recovered billions of dollars for consumers and victims of personal injuries. This includes:

  • Motor vehicle accident cases (totalling over $xxx)
  • Wildfire property loss and personal injury cases (totalling over $150 million)
  • Environmental personal injury cases (totalling over $3 million)
  • Consumer fraud claims (over $1 billion)

We have spent our professional lives fighting for the everyday people who make our country special. We have experience going up against the largest and most powerful companies and have had success where others have not. Whether your claim is small or large, please contact us. If we can’t help you ourselves, we likely will know someone who can.

We take nearly every case on a contingency fee basis. That means that we only get paid if we win.

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