Class Action Settlements

How many times have you gotten a class action settlement notice in the mail and couldn’t make heads or tails of it? That’s often because they are written in a way to make it as hard to figure out if the settlement is actually good for you or not. Our lawyers have extensive experience putting together large class settlements and know the ins or outs. We can help you understand your options. Sometimes the best thing is to claim the money from the settlement. Other times you might want to exclude yourself from the settlement and pursue your own claims. Or you might want to object to the settlement. Our attorneys are available to discuss these options with you and help you make the decision that is best for you and your family.


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You may be entitled to monetary compensation.


We Want
To Work
With You.

Finding the right law firm to represent you can be difficult. Proper legal representation is the difference between receiving significant compensation or nothing at all.

FLAG Law and its partner firms have spent their professional lives fighting for the everyday people across the country.